Date日期: 19/07/2021 – 13/08/2021 Venue地點: Shum Wan Campus (G/F, Broadview Court, 11 Shum Wan Road, HK) | 深灣校舍 (香港深灣道11號雅濤閣地下) Fee收費: $380 / session節 (Material fee is not included | 材料費另計)
課程簡介 | Programme Introduction
英文閲讀班 | English Reading Club (55分鐘 | 55 minutes) The programme will build up your child’s ability to read and help to improve their understanding of hundreds of words starting from single words, couplets, short phrases, to sentences and stories. This course is to enhance your child’s ability to read and to understand different languages and to recognize all the new vocabulary learnt using right brain methods.
普通話《我愛閱讀》課程 | I Love Reading Programme (Putonghua) (55分鐘 | 55 minutes) 透過學習詞彙、片語及句子,繼而進入獨立閱讀書本,讓小孩開始建構閱讀的能力。加上細緻的插圖、幽默有趣的故事情節和重複的句式,有助訓練小朋友的觀察力、聯想力和猜測能力等閲讀技巧,達到識字後能自己閲讀的效果,並且促進聽說讀寫的語言能力,尤其是能善用普通話進行溝通。